Capital Inter-District Soccer League Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software



WooWhoo!!                                                                                                                                  Congratulations lucky winning teams on your year-end party draw!! The winners are: Ontree Fun & Adventure Park - HCU09BA Tigers & STORM12BB Atlantic Playland (Super bracelets & food)-BED09BA & HC12BB Get Air Trampoline Park (Socks included)- DU12GC & SSCSELECTS10GA Pool Party & Pizza -SSCSELECTS10BB2 & CHEP12GB2 We really appreciate all of your teams' kindness since your ...

Congratulations lucky winning teams on your year-end party draw!!

The winners are:
  1. Ontree Fun & Adventure Park - HCU09BA Tigers & STORM12BB
  2. Atlantic Playland (Super bracelets & food)-BED09BA & HC12BB
  3. Get Air Trampoline Park (Socks included)- DU12GC & SSCSELECTS10GA
  4. Pool Party & Pizza -SSCSELECTS10BB2 & CHEP12GB2
We really appreciate all of your teams' kindness since your contribution makes a great difference. Without you, we would not have raised enough funds and backpacks filled with school supplies for kids going back to school.

On behalf of the Capital Inter-District Association, and the Salvation Army, we are very grateful  for your continued support to the Backpacks for Kids charity program. And wish all lucky winning teams have a great party!

The CISL Team

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