Team Marshal Program
Referee retention issues have been an increasing concern over the past few years.
This referee shortage is caused by many reasons, but the most worrisome is the abuse from team officials and spectators towards youth referees. The abuse can come in many forms, but in particular, it is the verbal abuse which is personal, provocative and public in regards to the referee’s on-field performance that cause the referee to quit.
This unacceptable behavior towards our youth and new officials must be addressed as a priority particularly if soccer is to have an adequate supply of referees.
The Field Marshal Program is intended to empower one individual from each team to support the referee among their fellow parents/spectators.
- All U10, U11, U12 & U13 teams participating in CISL league play must designate an individual at EVERY game to act as a Field Marshal.
- The individual acting as the Field Marshal (FM) must be named on the team’s game sheet.
- The Field Marshal is to wear the arm band (or other identification) provided by CISL as identification.
- Game will not start until each team has its field marshal identified.
- The match will be forfeit by the team causing a five minute delay in the start of the match.
- Listen, watch, and monitor the behavior of your team’s parents.
- The Field Marshal is expected to remind parents to keep their comments to themselves and refrain from vocalizing their complaints during the game. The best way to improve a referee’s ability and knowledge is to have the coach provide feedback to CISL where a comment is appropriate.
- Quickly diffuse a potential problem before it arises by either being visible or calmly speaking with the individual(s) involved.
- Deal with, and act on, inappropriate comments, gestures and/or general unsporting behavior directed at referees, players or any other individual by your teams’ spectators or coaches but please avoid getting into a confrontation.
- ο€ The Field Marshal is not expected to put themselves in a situation which may compromise their comfort level or personal safety.
- Any questions/comments/complaints/compliments in regards to officiating should be directed to administration@cislns.ca. Based on any official report, CISL will investigate the incident and act accordingly.
The fine for not participating in the Field Marshal Program and not wearing the armband:
- 1st Offense - Warning Letter to club
- 2nd , and subsequent offenses - no game and forfeit by team not participating
Any person seen abusing referees by third parties including Referee Mentors (not Field Marshals), may be subject to a discipline hearing.
Team sanctions including league suspension, fines or both may be the outcome.